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Obrázek epizody Unconscious 01

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Unconscious 01

Obrázek epizody Unconscious 01

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29. 7. 2019

6 min

Peter Banham: This I am afraid is a fallacy. Lungs do not fill up with water. It is quite likely that the casualty in the water may have breathed in a little water but it's very unlikely for the lungs to be waterlogged. Certainly there would be more than enough space left in the lungs for you to blow into the mouth of the casualty and inflate their lungs. Graham Easton: If you're sure that the person is unconscious and not simply asleep, the important thing to do is to check to see whether the person is breathing and whether their heart is beating. A good way to remember how to do it is to remember the first three letters of the English alphabet, a-b-c. Vocabulary: drowning - topit se fallacy - falešná představa lungs do not fill up with water this is a fallacy - plíce po vrch naplněné vodou je klamná představa casualty - oběť, zraněný, postižený to breathe - dýchat The casualty in the water may have breathed in a little water. - Tonoucí může samozřejmě vdechnout trochu vody. waterlogged - plný vody, nasáklý vodou inflate the lungs - nafouknout plíce unconscious - být v bezvědomí be asleep - spát beat - tlouct, tep Whether the person is breathing and whether their heart is beating… - Jestli dýchá a jestli mu tluče srdce… The first three letters of the english alphabet a-b-c… - První tři písmena anglické abecedy…