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Obrázek epizody Insect stings

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

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Insect stings

Obrázek epizody Insect stings

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16. 8. 2019

6 min

Professor David Worral: As long as the sting is embedded, it will be pumping venom into the wound, so you should remove the sting as quickly as possible and a recent study suggests that it doesn't matter how you do this, pull it out between your fingers, scrape it out perhaps even better, but remove the sting as quickly as possible. The best way to prevent these things is to learn more about which venomous animals there are living in your particular area; learn as much as you can about their habits so that you can avoid the particular places that they like to congregate in. You can avoid particular times of the year when they are particularly active and you can avoid dangerous behaviour - I mean obvious dangerous behaviour would be walking at night along paths in the undergrowth without a torch. Vocabulary: to embed - zapíchnout as long as the sting is embedded - dokud je žihadlo zapíchnuté to pump, pumping - vstříknout, vstřikovat wound - rána pumping venom into the wound - vstříkování jedu do těla to scrape out - vyškrábnout venomous animals - jedovatí živočichové to learn about their habits - poznat jejich zvyky to congregate in - shromažďovat se dangerous behaviour - nebezpečné chování undergrowth - podrost, zarostlé místo Dangerous behaviour would be walking at night along paths in the undergrowth without a torch. - Nebezpečné by bylo například kráčet v noci podrostem bez baterky.