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Obrázek epizody Fevers

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj


Obrázek epizody Fevers

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15. 8. 2019

6 min

Dr. William Bosu: Fever is commonly due to infection but we also have other causes of fever. This could be due, for example, to a body reaction to something that is not good for the body, it could also be due to a drug, it could also be due to a cancer. Indeed there are various other causes of fever. If we opened the windows to allow some fresh air in, the patient may feel more comfortable. Well, in addition to this, you could remove the patient's clothes or we could take a shower or we could soak a towel and rub it gently over the patient's body and when some fresh air has blown over this patient, the temperature would usually come down. Vocabulary: fever - horečka infection - infekce Fever is commonly due to infection. - Příčinou horečky je nejčastěji infekce. a body reaction - reakce těla drug - lék cancer - rakovina It could also be due to a drug, it could also be due to a cancer. - Příčinou může být také nějaký lék, nebo výjimečně i rakovina. fresh air - čerstvý vzduch comfortable - cítit se dobře, mít pohodlí, být v pohodě If we open the windows to allow some fresh air in, the patient may feel more comfortable. - Pacient se může cítit příjemněji, když otevřeme okno a pustíme dovnitř trochu čerstvého vzduchu. shower - sprcha soak a towel - namočit ručník temperature - teplota to come down - snížit se, klesnout