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Obrázek epizody Fainting 02

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Fainting 02

Obrázek epizody Fainting 02

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8. 8. 2019

5 min

Jill Volpie: Leave them where they are - either, if they're already sitting, perhaps to put their head down between their knees to encourage the circulation of blood or, if they're on the ground, perhaps elevate the feet slightly, just to encourage the blood coming back from the feet and the legs. Try to make sure that they have as much fresh air as possible. One of the big problems with anyone collapsing anywhere usually, particularly if there are other people around, is that everybody wants to crowd around to see what's happened. Most people don't know what to do and they quite often tend to close in on the patient. And it's very important to get people to move back to ensure there's plenty of fresh air for the patient to breathe. Vocabulary: to put their head down between their knees - sklonit jim hlavu mezi kolena to elevate the feet slightly - nepatrně pozvednout nohy to come back - vrátit se Encourage the blood coming back from the feet and the legs. - Napomůžete tak, aby se krev vrátila z nohou do mozku. to collapse - zhroutit se to crowd around - nahrnout se kolem, uzavřít kruh to close in - stáhnout se kolem to move back - posunout se zpátky, stáhnout se to breathe - dýchat Get people to move back to ensure there's plenty of fresh air for the patient to breathe. - Je potřeba lidem říct, aby ustoupili/udělali místo, aby se k pacientovi dostalo co nejvíc čerstvého vzduchu a mohl dýchat.