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Obrázek epizody Diarrhoea 01

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Diarrhoea 01

Obrázek epizody Diarrhoea 01

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1. 8. 2019

5 min

Jill Volpie: The important thing to know about diarrhoea is of course that the patient is losing a lot of fluid and that this can very quickly turn into a serious situation of dehydration and can actually be a killer, and is a killer, in children. So it's very important to be able to respond quickly. In a first aid situation, if the patient is able to take anything by mouth, then it's important that they're encouraged to drink. If possible, local remedies, local rehydration solutions, which are made perhaps of boiled rice water, water from other grain cooking or solutions which contain salt and sugar, are very important, correctly measured of course. But, of course, the most important thing of all is that they're given safe water to drink. Vocabulary: diarrhoea - průjem losing a lot of fluid - ztrácí hodně tekutiny dehydration - dehydratace it can be a killer in children - může u dětí snadno skončit smrtí respond - reagovat, jednat It's very important to be able to respond quickly. - Je velice důležité, aby člověk jednal rychle. by mouth - ústy, ústně, perorálně If the patient is able to take anything by mouth. - Pokud je pacient schopen přijímat jídlo ústy local remedies - domácí léčba rehydration solutions - rehydratační tekutiny boiled rice water - vývar z rýže safe water - nezávadná voda water that's been boiled and cooled - převařená zchlazená vod