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Obrázek epizody Burns 05

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Burns 05

Obrázek epizody Burns 05

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2. 8. 2019

5 min

Barry Powell: The obvious thing is to try and get that person away from where the fire is, if that is at all possible. The second thing is, if their clothes are on fire, and this is desperately important, make sure they lie down. If they stand up, then their clothes, if they catch fire, will just burn upwards and cause more and more damage to the skin. So, lie them down and that will reduce the area of skin that is burnt. Roll them. By rolling them in the ground or in a carpet or a rug or anything that you can, smother the fire. That is the best way to put it out. Vocabulary: if at all possible - pokud je to vůbec možné lie down - ležet na zemi stand up - stát catch fire - chytit/ začít hořet upwards - směrem nahoru make sure they lie down - je nutné ho položit na zem If they stand up, then their clothes, if they catch fire, will just burn upwards. - Kdyby stáli, tak plameny z hořícího oděvu šlehají nahoru. reduce the area of skin that is burnt - omezíme rozsah popálení roll - válet, vyválet, kutálet carpet - koberec rug - předložka, pokrývka, hadr smother the fire - udusit oheň the best way to put it out - nejlepší způsob, jak oheň uhasit