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Obrázek epizody Burns 04

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Burns 04

Obrázek epizody Burns 04

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3. 8. 2019

5 min

Barry Powell: The answer to that is "No". The problem with children and burns is if you do put them into cold water, they drop their temperature, they become what is called hypothermic and that is not good for the child. For the child, first of all you need to reassure them - I think that's desperately important - and the same story holds true, get cold water and apply it to them. Now, obviously you can't put a child completely into a running tap, so bring the running tap to the child, in the essence of soaking a towel, keep soaking the towel and changing it, but be very careful with children because if you keep them too cold and wet, they will become hypothermic and shocked and that is not in the child's interest. Vocabulary: temperature - teplota hypothermic - podchlazení They can drop their temperature, they become what is called hypothermic. - Tělesná teplota dítěte by prudce poklesla a došlo by k podchlazení. reassure - uklidnit that's desperately important - to je nesmírně důležité the same story holds true - i v tomto případě platí to samé obviously - pochopitelně in the essence of soaking a towel - v podobě namočeného ručníku keep soaking a towel and changing it - ručník pravidelně namáčejte a měňte shocked - v šoku