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Obrázek epizody Burns 03

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Burns 03

Obrázek epizody Burns 03

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4. 8. 2019

6 min

Graham Easton: Other forms of dressing can be used to keep the burn clean and free of infection. The thin plastic films used to wrap food can sometimes make an effective emergency dressing. But if you don't have any, there are other possibilities. Many of us have used varieties of vegetable skin, potato, banana skin are all extremely good forms of dressing but these are all very temporary until you can actually get a more permanent dressing applied. Barry Powell: Well, the problem is when you burn yourself, the burn damages the skin and that damage gets rid of all the body's defences, so it opens it up to infection. Get an infection into the burn, not only will it make that burn worse, but it could actually then eventually get into the blood stream and cause an infection to the body. Vocabulary: dressing - zábal free of infection - bez infekce the thin plastic films used to wrap food - potravinová fólie emergency dressings - provizorní zábal varieties of vegetable skin - banana skin - různé slupky od ovoce či zeleniny, například banánová slupka. temporary - dočasný permanent - trvalý defence - ochrana, obrana That damage gets rid of all the body's defences , so it opens it up to infection, eventually gets into the blood stream. - Spálená kůže ovšem ztrácí svou funkci jako ochrana před infekcí a tělo je tedy "otevřeno infekci" a krví se může infekce roznést do celého těla.