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Obrázek epizody Burns 01

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Burns 01

Obrázek epizody Burns 01

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6. 8. 2019

6 min

Barry Powell: The mainstay of treatment for these kind of burns is water. And by that I just mean ordinary tap water. Don't go out and get ice bags, don't put your hands into buckets of ice - ordinary tap water which usually is at 8 degrees centigrade is sufficient. Now, what you need to do is place that part of you in running water and keep it in the water until the pain goes. That is the fundamental, best thing you can do. Graham Easton: If you don't have running water, soak some cloths or towels in water and cover the burn with them. Don't prick any blisters which form and don't apply lotions or creams. Try to remove any rings or tight bracelets before the hands swell from the burn. Vocabulary: the mainstay of treatment - nejdůležitější a nejlepší způsob ošetření Ordinary tap water which is usually 8 degrees centigrade is sufficient. - Stačí obyčejná voda z kohoutku, která má obvykle má 8 stupňů Celsia. fundamental - základní to soak some towel - namočit ručník don't prick any blisters - puchýře nepropichujte lotions and creams - pleťové vody a krémy