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Obrázek epizody Broken limb 02: To move or not to move?

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

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Broken limb 02: To move or not to move?

Obrázek epizody Broken limb 02: To move or not to move?

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11. 8. 2019

6 min

John Pooley: The object of the exercise is to try and make people more comfortable. It's because it reduces pain, makes people feel more confident about the outcome of their injury. So what we try to do is move the injured limb as little as possible and pad it if you can - a rolled up rug, a coat, a pillow, a cushion, anything that's soft that you could possibly rest the limb upon to try and make it more comfortable for the person concerned. Splints really don't do any good for people that are just lying on the floor injured. Splints are about when you want to move that person and they immobilise the limb or keep the limb still when you're trying to move them. That's really a job for the professionals, the emergency services. Vocabulary: the object of the exercise - cílem celého úkonu to make comfortable - uklidnit, zajistit klid a pohodu to reduce - zmírnit it reduces pain - zmírňuje bolest to be confident - nabýt na sebedůvěře outcome - výsledek injury - zranění It makes people feel more confident about the outcome of their injury. - Lidé nabývají na důvěře, že všechno dobře dopadne. splint - dlaha to immobilise the limb - znehybnit končetinu professionals - profesionálové, odborníci the emergency services - záchranná služba