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Obrázek epizody Broken limb 01: Is it broken?

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Broken limb 01: Is it broken?

Obrázek epizody Broken limb 01: Is it broken?

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12. 8. 2019

5 min

John Pooley: If the patient's conscious, then obviously they'll tell you that they're in severe pain. The patient usually grimaces and tries to hold or guard against people touching the area that's injured. There could be swelling, there could be like a bruising around it; there could be a shortening of the limb or the limb is usually in a position that isn't normal, in a position that you wouldn't expect to see that limb, such as a hand turned out the wrong way or a foot turned out the wrong way. No, it's better that you leave it alone; you can cause more harm than good. You cited the incidence of maybe a bone sticking through the skin; the pure fact of you moving it may cause the bone to go through the skin. The broken bone may be resting on an artery - you could do more harm than good. Vocabulary: if the patient's conscious - když je pacient při vědomí to grimace - dělat obličeje, šklebit se the patient usually grimaces - pacientovi se bolestí stáhne obličej guard against - bránit se, hlídat si injured - zraněný to guard against people touching the area that's injured - dovolit lidem sahat si na poraněné místo swelling - otok bruising - modřina harm - poškození, škoda to cause more harm than good - způsobit víc škod než užitku incidence - případ of the bone sticking through the skin - zlomená kost může být patrná přes kůži artery - tepna