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Obrázek epizody Company Changes

Takeaway Business English – Angličtina Youradio Talk

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Company Changes

Obrázek epizody Company Changes

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19. 8. 2019

5 min

a merger, merging - fúze (spojení dvou podobných společností, které v podstatě poskytují stejné služby. Sešly se dva rovnoprávné celky) a take-over, taking over - převzetí (je agresivnější - jedna společnost skoupí akcie, a nebo obchodní aktivity druhé, jedna firma převezme kontrolu nad druhou)Andrew Walker: A spokesman for Philip Morris said the new company will have the capability to become the world's leading brewer. The merger is due to be completed in July. Janet Brooks: What it means is two companies combining their business and those might be companies in complimentary areas or companies which were essentially providing the same service previously. Taking over tends to be more aggressive and would normally involve one company buying the shares or the business of the other company. Merging tends to be the meeting of two equal firms whereas taking over assumes that one company is in more control post the merger or takeover.