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Obrázek epizody Supper Club × Anything But Coding with Wes and Scott

Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers



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Supper Club × Anything But Coding with Wes and Scott

Obrázek epizody Supper Club × Anything But Coding with Wes and Scott

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25. 11. 2022

1 hod 1 min

In this supper club episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott talk with Scott and Wes! Talking about BBQ, electric cars, workout equipment, home renos - but they do sneak in a bit of coding talk!

Kontent by Kentico - Sponsor

Kontent by Kentico is a headless CMS that provides live editing experience to non-technical users and hands you the technical tools to build websites, mobile apps, voice assistants, or anything else where you need content. Use REST API or GraphQL and get your content via the global Fastly CDN. Designed to unify all your content and operations, in compliance with ISO27001 and SOC2Type2 certifications. Spin up a new project today and discover Kontent.

Tuple - Sponsor

This week’s sponsor is Tuple, an app built specifically for remote pair programming. The app is written in C++ and tuned for high-resolution screen sharing and low-latency remote control. Because developers deserve better than Zoom or Meet for pairing.

Show Notes

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