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Obrázek epizody 878: You Are Sleeping On Nuxt, Nitro and Vue w/ Daniel Roe

Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers



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878: You Are Sleeping On Nuxt, Nitro and Vue w/ Daniel Roe

Obrázek epizody 878: You Are Sleeping On Nuxt, Nitro and Vue w/ Daniel Roe

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19. 2. 2025

58 min

Wes and Scott talk with Daniel Roe about Nuxt and Nitro, demystifying the UnJS ecosystem, serverless deployments, open-source sustainability, and the future of full-stack web development. Show Notes 00:00 Welcome to Syntax! 02:52 Daniel’s work with Nitro Nitro 06:01 What’s the connection between Nitro and Nuxt? Nuxt 09:23 What makes something an UnJS package? UnJS 12:55 Nitro’s built-in features 18:21 What would Daniel use to build an app today? Cloudflare Vercel Netlify 28:01 Brought to you by 28:36 Nuxt and SST SST 32:25 Nuxt vs. Next.js in 2025 Next.js 40:06 Keeping docs up to date 44:46 Who is behind the fantastic design of the Nuxt website? Anthony Fu Rmoon Vite 47:27 Why is Vue awesome? Vue alien-signals 52:47 How do you make money in full-time open source? 55:32 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs Sick Picks Daniel: DeskPad Shameless Plugs Daniel: React to Nuxt Hit us up on Socials! Syntax: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads Wes: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads