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Obrázek podcastu Svatá bible egyptská - Jakub Sobek

Podcast Svatá bible egyptská - Jakub Sobek

68 epizod

4 odběratelé

Svatá bible egyptská, neboli svaté spisy egyptského lidu
Obrázek epizody Episode 131: Why is your office so …?

Episode 131: Why is your office so …?

2. 9. 2021

2 min

Obrázek epizody Day 116: Scheduling an appointment in Mandarin

Day 116: Scheduling an appointment in Mandarin

17. 12. 2020

3 min

Obrázek epizody Episode 113: Day 113: How has COVID-19 impacted your daily lives?

Episode 113: Day 113: How has COVID-19 impacted your daily lives?

21. 11. 2020

3 min

Obrázek epizody Day 110: Picking up your little one from Chinese school

Day 110: Picking up your little one from Chinese school

29. 10. 2020

2 min

Obrázek epizody Day 99: Calling a cab driver in Mainland China

Day 99: Calling a cab driver in Mainland China

9. 8. 2020

2 min

Obrázek epizody Day 96: What are the ingredients in my food?

Day 96: What are the ingredients in my food?

18. 7. 2020

2 min

Obrázek epizody Day 82: Asking someone out on a virtual date

Day 82: Asking someone out on a virtual date

4. 4. 2020

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 78: Is it a flu, common cold, or COVID-19?

Day 78: Is it a flu, common cold, or COVID-19?

11. 3. 2020

2 min

Obrázek epizody Day 76: From Coronavirus to Chinese provinces and cities

Day 76: From Coronavirus to Chinese provinces and cities

14. 2. 2020

2 min

Obrázek epizody Day 73: The use of “so” in Mandarin

Day 73: The use of “so” in Mandarin

9. 10. 2019

2 min

Obrázek epizody Day 72:  The use of 跟 (gēn)

Day 72: The use of 跟 (gēn)

26. 9. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 68: Seeing a Chinese Doctor

Day 68: Seeing a Chinese Doctor

20. 6. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 67: Why were you late?

Day 67: Why were you late?

5. 6. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 65: Sample interview self-introduction

Day 65: Sample interview self-introduction

22. 5. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 63: How to order food

Day 63: How to order food

14. 5. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 58: How to get seated in a Chinese restaurant

Day 58: How to get seated in a Chinese restaurant

12. 2. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 56: Happy Chinese New Year

Day 56: Happy Chinese New Year

31. 1. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 52 : ... is boring

Day 52 : ... is boring

22. 1. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 50: How to ask for directions

Day 50: How to ask for directions

16. 1. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 49: Why do you want to learn Mandarin

Day 49: Why do you want to learn Mandarin

15. 1. 2019

2 min

Obrázek epizody Day 48: How to describe appearance

Day 48: How to describe appearance

13. 1. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 44: School

Day 44: School

10. 1. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 43: Goodbye in Mandarin

Day 43: Goodbye in Mandarin

9. 1. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 41: What are your new year’s resolutions for 2019?

Day 41: What are your new year’s resolutions for 2019?

1. 1. 2019

1 min

Obrázek epizody Day 40: “Do you like A or B” in Mandarin

Day 40: “Do you like A or B” in Mandarin

12. 12. 2018

1 min