Disraptors #11: Facebook, Netflix, Uber. How do they attract new customers?

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25. 11. 2020
1 hod 14 min
Facebook, Netflix, Uber. We are used to thinking of these companies and other giants from Silicon Valley as technology companies, but technology is not the key to their success, points out investor Bill Reichert .
Who would sleep on the couch with strangers somewhere abroad? On the other hand, who would let a foreigner in? Thanks to Airbnb, such questions will no longer seem necessary. The success of this and other companies proves that creating an atmosphere of trust is the key for customers.
Did you know that Facebook also owes its success to the trust of its users? When it was initially an exclusively academic network, it only allowed people with an university email to register in. Its users were thus sure that the others also came from academia.
Listen to Václav Pavlečka and his with Bill Reichert . For example, what pitfalls do B2B startups face? Or why not overestimate the cleverness?