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Obrázek epizody Disraptors #23: Dave Evans from Stanford about an authentic conversation.


Startup World Cup & Summit




Disraptors #23: Dave Evans from Stanford about an authentic conversation.

Obrázek epizody Disraptors #23: Dave Evans from Stanford about an authentic conversation.

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24. 6. 2021

51 min

Dave Evans has the instinct for innovation which gave him the chance to work on many interesting projects in Silicon Valley. He and his Apple team created the first computer mouse, Dave also co-founded Electronic Arts, which is the second largest producer of games by market capitalization today.

Dave always puts the emphasis on design because humans are not as strict as machines. Therefore while iventing products, it is necessary to constantly think about the users who will use them.

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We talk to people whose inventive steps leave giant footprints – like Dave Evans from Stanford University, Marvin Liao from 500Startups, Ondřej Vlcek – CEO of AVAST or Frank Salzgeber from European Space Agency and many more.