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Obrázek epizody EP6 Get your boost before you snooze: Tips for an optimal enegy

Squeeze in ENGLISH

Ondrej Odehnal



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EP6 Get your boost before you snooze: Tips for an optimal enegy

Obrázek epizody EP6 Get your boost before you snooze: Tips for an optimal enegy

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28. 2. 2021

8 min

Morning and evening are the 2 most important parts of the day. Whatever you decide to do can affect (positively or negatively) tonight's sleep.   You don't have to be a fashion model all the time. Especially at night before bed. The blue blocking glasses make you look like Bono but helps you to sleep well. They block the light that stimulates you...maybe thats why he wrote a song City of Blinding Lights...many more tips in the episode!

! It's about educating, not just learning !

! List of TODAY's VOCABULARY + bonus video on YOUTUBE channel!

Recorded at Husa na Provazku Theater Edit: Michal Jez (thanks a lot!)

Many Thanks and have a great day or a good night :D