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Obrázek epizody Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 507

Speak Better English with Harry




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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 507

Obrázek epizody Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 507

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30. 10. 2024

20 min

In this episode, you'll learn essential speaking phrases to help you navigate conversations smoothly and confidently. Knowing how to politely interrupt, allow interruptions, and continue speaking after a pause are skills that can make a big difference in sounding natural and polite in English. This lesson is perfect for anyone looking to build stronger communication skills, whether in everyday English or Business English. With these essential English phrases, you'll learn to express yourself clearly in English without being rude.These phrases are especially useful for non-native English speakers who want to improve their confidence in professional settings, like meetings, discussions, or group conversations. These skills will help you communicate better and feel more fluent in any setting.Share Your ThoughtsSupport the showAdvanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with HarryOnline courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.