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Obrázek epizody Jaws made us scared of sharks but is a lack of sharks scarier?

Science Weekly

The Guardian

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Jaws made us scared of sharks but is a lack of sharks scarier?

Obrázek epizody Jaws made us scared of sharks but is a lack of sharks scarier?

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16. 9. 2021

12 min

Last week, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) world conservation congress took place in Marseille. Guardian biodiversity reporter Phoebe Weston was there and heard about the latest updated ‘red list’ of threatened species, which included a warning that over a third of all shark and ray species now face extinction. To find out more, Anand Jagatia spoke to Phoebe about the findings and what they mean for the fate of sharks, rays and the ecosystems they inhabit. Help support our independent journalism at