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Obrázek epizody #4 | Mathieu Crepel and Morgan La Faucheur

S Jakubem na vlnách

Jakub Michna


#4 | Mathieu Crepel and Morgan La Faucheur

Obrázek epizody #4 | Mathieu Crepel and Morgan La Faucheur

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25. 12. 2018

1 hod 40 min

O epizodě podcastu

Merry Christmas! Welcome to very first english episode of my podcast. I was lucky enough to spent some time in Prague with Mathieu Crepel and Morgan Le Faucheur during the premiere of their new surf/snowboard documentary. So I took this opportunity and interviewed them about the process of making this film. I think that people don't realize, how much effort, sweat, time, nerves and love is hidden behind project like this. I intentionally didn't mention the noun money, because that opposite subject of this film. We dug deep into the two years story of two lifetime buddies becoming even better friends during achieving their biggest goal so far. SHAKA Teaser: Morgan´s production: Support the podcast on Patreon: Follow me on Instagram: Podcast webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Merry Christmas! Welcome to very first english episode of my podcast. I was lucky enough to spent some time in Prague with Mathieu Crepel and Morgan Le Faucheur during the premiere of their new surf/snowboard documentary. So I took this opportunity and interviewed them about the process of making this film. I think that people don't realize, how much effort, sweat, time, nerves and love is hidden behind project like this. I intentionally didn't mention the noun money, because that opposite subject of this film. We dug deep into the two years story of two lifetime buddies becoming even better friends during achieving their biggest goal so far. SHAKA Teaser: Morgan´s production: Support the podcast on Patreon: Follow me on Instagram: Podcast webpage: