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Obrázek epizody German Elections & the Future Government – A Debate with Marketing Expert Volker Hoff

Růžička & Vořechovský

Jan Růžička



Politické zprávy

German Elections & the Future Government – A Debate with Marketing Expert Volker Hoff

Obrázek epizody German Elections & the Future Government – A Debate with Marketing Expert Volker Hoff

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47 min

The German elections are over. CDU won, and Friedrich Merz will be Chancellor. But will he and the future coalition with SPD have the strength to push through the necessary reforms? Energy, labor market, and migration are just a few of the many challenges ahead. We discussed all this with Volker Hoff—who served as MP, minister and Opel executive, and above all, a man who has been in political marketing for 30 years.