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Obrázek podcastu Pokémon Fairy Primarina Brionne Popplio Xerneas Gardevoir Kirlia Cutiefly Aurorus Sylveon  Ribombe

Podcast Pokémon Fairy Primarina Brionne Popplio Xerneas Gardevoir Kirlia Cutiefly Aurorus Sylveon Ribombe

10 epizod

0 odběratelů

Pokémon Fairy The Fairy type was introduced in Generation 6 - the first new type for more than 12 years! Its main intention was to balance the type chart by reducing the power of dragons, while also giving an offensive boost to the Poison and Steel types. Several old Pokémon were retyped and new Pokémon introduced. There are only around 60 Fairy type Pokémon (depending on how you count alternate forms or mega evolutions), in total slightly above Ice.