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Obrázek podcastu Plain English | Improve your English with current events

Podcast Plain English | Improve your English with current events

684 epizod

141 odběratelů

Plain English is the podcast for learners everywhere who want to improve their English in a fun and modern way. Every Monday and Thursday, we explore the events and trends that shape the world in clear, understandable English. We also take a close look at one English e
Obrázek epizody Dublin: Guinness, whiskey, music, literature, and more | Learn English phrasal verb 'plan ahead'

Dublin: Guinness, whiskey, music, literature, and more | Learn English phrasal verb 'plan ahead'

19. 1. 2023

11 min

Obrázek epizody Boris Johnson era is coming to an end | Learn the phrasal verb ‘go after’

Boris Johnson era is coming to an end | Learn the phrasal verb ‘go after’

28. 7. 2022

24 min

Obrázek epizody McDonald's is making changes to its burgers (Fall behind)

McDonald's is making changes to its burgers (Fall behind)

4. 1. 2024

18 min

Obrázek epizody When cemeteries run out of space | Learn a new way to use 'short'

When cemeteries run out of space | Learn a new way to use 'short'

2. 2. 2023

25 min

Obrázek epizody The friendly way to divorce | Learn the phrasal verb ‘work through’

The friendly way to divorce | Learn the phrasal verb ‘work through’

10. 3. 2022

21 min

Obrázek epizody SBF: Villain or a careless founder in over his head? | Learn English expression 'in tatters'

SBF: Villain or a careless founder in over his head? | Learn English expression 'in tatters'

30. 11. 2023

21 min

Obrázek epizody Webb telescope’s long journey to launch | Learn the English expression ‘a crack at’

Webb telescope’s long journey to launch | Learn the English expression ‘a crack at’

11. 8. 2022

21 min

Obrázek epizody More problems for Boeing's 737-MAX (Turn around)

More problems for Boeing's 737-MAX (Turn around)

12. 2. 2024

17 min

Obrázek epizody Iceland braces for a volcanic eruption (Up close)

Iceland braces for a volcanic eruption (Up close)

14. 12. 2023

20 min

Obrázek epizody Theft at the British Museum (Go missing)

Theft at the British Museum (Go missing)

11. 1. 2024

18 min

Obrázek epizody Life in Mexico: One year later | Learn English phrasal verb 'on hand'

Life in Mexico: One year later | Learn English phrasal verb 'on hand'

5. 10. 2023

20 min

Obrázek epizody 6 key ingredients to a good apology | Learn the expression ‘put your money where your mouth is’

6 key ingredients to a good apology | Learn the expression ‘put your money where your mouth is’

27. 9. 2021

19 min

Obrázek epizody Learn English free with podcasts: Plain English

Learn English free with podcasts: Plain English

1. 10. 2017

2 min

Obrázek epizody Why some people want to #DeleteFacebook | Learn English expression ‘to gather steam’

Why some people want to #DeleteFacebook | Learn English expression ‘to gather steam’

6. 4. 2018

15 min

Obrázek epizody Pat Sajak's last spin on 'Wheel of Fortune' | Learn English phrasal verb 'slip up'

Pat Sajak's last spin on 'Wheel of Fortune' | Learn English phrasal verb 'slip up'

27. 7. 2023

19 min

Obrázek epizody Russia shaken by private army mutiny | Learn English expression 'overplay your hand'

Russia shaken by private army mutiny | Learn English expression 'overplay your hand'

17. 7. 2023

27 min

Obrázek epizody Netflix's newest hit: a true crime series about a serial killer | Learn English expression 'take liberties'

Netflix's newest hit: a true crime series about a serial killer | Learn English expression 'take liberties'

24. 11. 2022

17 min

Obrázek epizody A dog's personality is more than its breed | Learn the English phrasal verb 'bring back'

A dog's personality is more than its breed | Learn the English phrasal verb 'bring back'

19. 5. 2022

20 min

Obrázek epizody Ikea is heading to the city center (Pick out)

Ikea is heading to the city center (Pick out)

25. 1. 2024

16 min

Obrázek epizody India is now the world's biggest country by population | Learn English phrase 'headed in'

India is now the world's biggest country by population | Learn English phrase 'headed in'

1. 5. 2023

20 min

Obrázek epizody Part 1: the rise of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream | Learn the phrasal verb ‘come in’

Part 1: the rise of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream | Learn the phrasal verb ‘come in’

8. 9. 2022

21 min

Obrázek epizody Meng Wanzhou and the two Michaels finally return home | Learn the English expression ‘against your will’

Meng Wanzhou and the two Michaels finally return home | Learn the English expression ‘against your will’

28. 10. 2021

22 min

Obrázek epizody The fate of the penny in 7 currencies (More trouble than it's worth)

The fate of the penny in 7 currencies (More trouble than it's worth)

7. 3. 2024

20 min

Obrázek epizody Tony Bennett bridged musical generations | Learn English idiom 'fall apart'

Tony Bennett bridged musical generations | Learn English idiom 'fall apart'

14. 8. 2023

23 min

Obrázek epizody 'The Morning Show': a serious drama with a star-studded cast | Learn phrasal verb 'star in'

'The Morning Show': a serious drama with a star-studded cast | Learn phrasal verb 'star in'

3. 7. 2023

17 min