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Obrázek epizody Why Volkswagen is the Gamestop of Cars

Past Gas by Donut Media








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Why Volkswagen is the Gamestop of Cars

Obrázek epizody Why Volkswagen is the Gamestop of Cars

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1. 3. 2021

44 min

O epizodě podcastu

Before Gamestop revolutionized the world of stonks, there was… Volkswagen. Over a decade before Reddit made GME a meme, one of the craziest short squeezes in history involved VW and Porsche. How did VW briefly become the most valuable company in the world? And how did it all go down in flames. On today’s episode of Past Gas, we’re trading in the short shifter for the short squeeze. It’s time to talk Volkswagen-- the GameStop of cars. Follow James on IG and Twitter @jamespumphrey. Follow Nolan on IG and Twitter @nolanjsykes.  Follow Donut @donutmedia, and subscribe to our Youtube and Facebook channels!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Before Gamestop revolutionized the world of stonks, there was… Volkswagen. Over a decade before Reddit made GME a meme, one of the craziest short squeezes in history involved VW and Porsche. How did VW briefly become the most valuable company in the world? And how did it all go down in flames. On today’s episode of Past Gas, we’re trading in the short shifter for the short squeeze. It’s time to talk Volkswagen-- the GameStop of cars. Follow James on IG and Twitter @jamespumphrey. Follow Nolan on IG and Twitter @nolanjsykes.  Follow Joe on IG and Twitter @joegweber Follow Donut @donutmedia, and subscribe to our Youtube and Facebook channels!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit