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Obrázek epizody Lekce 9: Will - From what I understand of the situation. I’m sure that this is true.

Modal Café – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Lekce 9: Will - From what I understand of the situation. I’m sure that this is true.

Obrázek epizody Lekce 9: Will - From what I understand of the situation. I’m sure that this is true.

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11. 8. 2019

4 min

The negative of will is will not. It is usual to join these two words together. Like this - won’t. Will is most commonly used in English to talk about the future. It is also very common in sentences like – You’ll feel better if you take this medicine or I’ll tell him when I see him. It is possible to use shall with 'I' or 'we', especially in British English, in place of will, but this is considered quite formal and is not used so much any more. Sloveso will se dá kromě budoucího času užívat v mnoha jiných podobách – dokonce i pro čas minulý. Talking about the future: I’ll do it. Predicting the present: They’ll be having dinner now. Making a promise: I’ll do it. Offering: Will you have some more? Speculating about the past: That will have been in 1980 I suppose. Talking about habits or characteristics: He’ll sit for hours reading. Česky můžeme podobně říct: hodiny bude sedět a číst nebo jinak: sedí hodiny nad knihou. Na základě toho, co o určité situaci víme a jak ji chápeme, jsme o něčem přesvědčeni.