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Obrázek epizody Lekce 13: Would - From what I understand of this unreal situation, I’m sure that this is true.

Modal Café – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Lekce 13: Would - From what I understand of this unreal situation, I’m sure that this is true.

Obrázek epizody Lekce 13: Would - From what I understand of this unreal situation, I’m sure that this is true.

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7. 8. 2019

4 min

The negative of would is would not. It is usual to join these two words together: wouldn’t. Would is the past form of will and is used in the same way as will but to talk about events in the past. It is also very commonly used to add politeness or formality to requests and offers: Would you give me a hand? - Would you like a cup of tea? Polite requests: Would you open the window? Offering: Would you like a drink? Talking about likes and preferences: I’d like to go to France. I’d prefer a black coffee. Speculating about the past: That would have been in 1980 I suppose.Talking about habits or characteristics in the past: He’d sit for hours reading. Would se užívá podobně jako will, ale je tu jeden zásadní rozdíl. Pomocí will vyjadřujeme své přesvědčení, jsme si jisti, že k něčemu dojde a nebo tomu tak je. Would naopak signalizuje něco nereálného: If I had a million dollars I’d go to the moon.