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Obrázek epizody This week - Caught napping

Learn English with the British Council and Premier League

Jack Radford & Rich Moon





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This week - Caught napping

Obrázek epizody This week - Caught napping

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8. 3. 2021

13 min

O epizodě podcastu

Welcome to This Week from Premier Skills English, a weekly review of football action for learners of English from across the globe. In This Week, Rich, Laura and Jack talk about the latest action from the Premier League and have lots of football English for you to learn. On the Premier Skills English website, there's a page for this podcast with the transcript and a task for you to do in the comments section. You can find the lesson page on Premier Skills English > Skills > Listen > This week: Caught napping (
Welcome to This Week from Premier Skills English, a weekly review of football action for learners of English from across the globe. In This Week, Rich, Laura and Jack talk about the latest action from the Premier League and have lots of football English for you to learn.

On the Premier Skills English website, there's a page for this podcast with the transcript and a task for you to do in the comments section. You can find the lesson page on Premier Skills English > Skills > Listen > This week: Caught napping