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Obrázek podcastu KOSSA KSS


88 epizod

0 odběratelů

Zatop alias KOSSA is a Drum & Bass DJ who started his first mix experiments in mid-2006 on Mixvibes music software six months later, switching to Analog where he starts sharpening his style and starts buying vinyl released on Offkey, Subsintenz, Freak, Position Chrome etc. that they have been learning to mix for two years. In 2009, he first performs in Opava, where he meets DNB Promoter Djeezzy, with whom he begins full cooperation at events known as Drum'N'Noize, and in 2010 for the first time in Ostrava Radio Helax on Fatal Terror to meet C-Phone and Elvis who form the DJs duo known as Fatalerr. In 2011, the transition to CD-players comes with the first experiments in Sony Sound Forge 9 (DAW) to begin mastering, in 2014 also begins to learn in Cubase 5, Wavelab 6 and iZotope RX where they learn their own music production or just projecting what a setter would be. So far, he has been able to perform with names like No Money, Billain, Machine Code, Silent Witness, MLDj, Allied, Counterstrike, Forbidden Society, L Plus, Trilo, Rido, Hallucinator, Task Horizon, Freqax, KillBox, Maduk, 3RDKND, Inward Hanzo & Randie & The Prophecy, Trei. KOSSA as a member of the Opava group Drum'N'Noize regularly acts mainly as Neurofunk DJ.