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Obrázek epizody Nations of Sanity: Anarcho-capitalism book

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Nations of Sanity: Anarcho-capitalism book

Obrázek epizody Nations of Sanity: Anarcho-capitalism book

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7. 5. 2022

2 hod 28 min

O epizodě podcastu

Matthew Sands invited me to a series of discussions for his project Nations of Sanity; in this second episode we were talking about Matthew's pushbacks to my book. It was quite theoretical debate again; we both obvisouly like such kind of discussion! I hope you will enjoy it despite my not so fluent English (this time it was harder than the last time for me). – Matthew Sands; voluntarist; founder of Nations of Sanity project – Urza (; author of the first Czech book on anarcho-capitalism; founder of the Free Haven project; co-founder and head of Czech Ludwig von Mises Institute; associate of Students for Liberty; member of Freedom to Learn committee
Matthew Sands invited me to a series of discussions for his project Nations of Sanity; in this second episode we were talking about Matthew's pushbacks to my book.
It was quite theoretical debate again; we both obvisouly like such kind of discussion! I hope you will enjoy it despite my not so fluent English (this time it was harder than the last time for me).

– Matthew Sands; voluntarist; founder of Nations of Sanity project
– Urza (; author of the first Czech book on anarcho-capitalism; founder of the Free Haven project; co-founder and head of Czech Ludwig von Mises Institute; associate of Students for Liberty; member of Freedom to Learn committee