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Obrázek epizody Techno at the End of the Future, Episode 2: Berlin | On Music

HKW Podcast

Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Techno at the End of the Future, Episode 2: Berlin | On Music

Obrázek epizody Techno at the End of the Future, Episode 2: Berlin | On Music

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29. 9. 2021

29 min

Around 1989, what were the promises of techno and its fictions? How are they significant today? And to whom? Episode 2 focuses on past, present and future of the Detroit-Berlin axis. By means of an interview collage, writer and Make Techno Black Again activist DeForrest Brown, Jr., Lerato Khathi aka Lakuti (founder of Uzuri Recordings and the Bring Down the Walls initiative), Boris Dolinski (resident DJ at Berghain) and Mark Ernestus (musician and founder of the Hard Wax record store) explore how the rapid growth of club culture in Germany after 1989 relates to techno’s origins in the Black neighbourhoods of Detroit. Narration by Christine Kakaire, directed and produced by Julia Vorkefeld, script and concept by Arno Raffeiner Image: © Abu Qadim Haqq (Detail) Music credits: Techno is a Liberation Technology by DeForrest Brown Jr/Speaker Music ft. AceMo, Katak by Kode9, The Truth is Elsewhere by Nkisi, Victim by Kode9, Rhythmatic Music For Speakers (Mk.II) by DeForrest Brown Jr/Speaker Music & Rona City Blues by Kode9.