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Obrázek epizody Techno at the End of the Future, Episode 1: London | On Music

HKW Podcast

Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Techno at the End of the Future, Episode 1: London | On Music

Obrázek epizody Techno at the End of the Future, Episode 1: London | On Music

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29. 9. 2021

37 min

Around 1989, what were the promises of techno and its fictions? How are they significant today? And to whom? This episode is led by DeForrest Brown, Jr., author of Assembling a Black Counter Culture, in conversation with Steve Goodman (a.k.a. Kode9, founder of Hyperdub) and Nkisi (co-founder of Non Worldwide). Collectively they discuss the migration of techno music from North America to Europe with an initial focus on the situated contexts of the dance music scene in London and across the U.K. during the early 1990s. With reference to techno’s spiritual and technological origins, evolution and relationship with the so-called Hardcore Continuum. Produced by Zakia Sewell Image: © Abu Qadim Haqq (Detail)