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Obrázek epizody Politics of the Dance Floor: Sustainability

HKW Podcast

Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Politics of the Dance Floor: Sustainability

Obrázek epizody Politics of the Dance Floor: Sustainability

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6. 10. 2020

1 hod 15 min

How can nightlife be designed in harmony with the earth’s finite resources? What would really be necessary to create a club experience that takes the climate and fragility of all of us into account? And how does this relate to physical pleasure? Community organizer Sarj Lynch hosts the second episode of the Politics of the Dance Floor podcast and discusses sustainability in club culture with Camille Barton, Avril Ceballos and Konstanze Meyer. They share their visions of practices that allow life to flourish: to go from greenwashing to environmental justice, from discrimination to inclusion, from marginalization to support. The motto of the hour: We’re a part of the world, let’s take care of it. Songs: Beat Spacek: Alone in the Sun Whodat / Viola Klein [WORKSHOP26]: Reprise AoUFC Lazy Lizzard Gang: Wald BADSISTA: Pinche Cabrona Contact Transmission: Image: Opashona Ghosh: Leap Across, 2019