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Obrázek epizody Politics of the Dance Floor: Reset

HKW Podcast

Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Politics of the Dance Floor: Reset

Obrázek epizody Politics of the Dance Floor: Reset

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1. 12. 2020

58 min

The music industry is dominated by neoliberal structures; large corporations hold the monopoly. How can the gatekeepers’ power be redistributed? Is it possible to collectivize mainstream digital platforms? And what role do class, privilege and representation play? The third episode of the Politics of the Dance Floor podcast explores the economic aspects of club culture. The producer, performer and astrophysicist houaïda speaks with the founder of an independent communications agency Melissa Taylor, the label manager Nicky Böhm and the DJ and musicologist He Zhao about social change and the responsibility of the dance community. Tracks: Caspa: Rubber Chicken Umm Kulthum: Al Atlal Exercise One vs Mathew Jonson: Lost Forever in a Happy Crowd - Exone Ayinla Omowura & his Apala Group + J Kenzo feat. DJ Zhao: Fuji Dub Contact Transmission: Image: Opashona Gosh: I Never Dream, 2019