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Obrázek epizody Mixtape 1: Laurel Halo | Carrier Bag Music

HKW Podcast

Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Mixtape 1: Laurel Halo | Carrier Bag Music

Obrázek epizody Mixtape 1: Laurel Halo | Carrier Bag Music

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9. 6. 2021

1 hod

Mixtapes as care packages, lyrics as containers: Accompanying the publication of “Carrier Bag Fiction” (Das Neue Alphabet – Volume 6) the audio series “Carrier Bag Music” will be released as a podcast. Based on Ursula K. Le Guin’s essay “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction,” the book and mixtapes explore the idea of gathering and caring. The audio series is curated by Ignota Books in cooperation with the Camden Art Centre and Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Mixtape 1: Laurel Halo For Carrier Bag Music, Laurel Halo creates a collage of unpublished materials, sketches, field recordings and sounds from her archives as well as works by associated artists. With DJ Python, Lyra Pramuk, Jenna Sutela, Steph Kretowicz, Ariel Zetina, Bendik Giske, Mari Matsutoya, Parris, Hanne Lippard, James Ginzburg, Mark Leckey, Steven Warwick, Claire Tolan, Oliver Coates, Kevin Beasley, 1995 Epilepsy, Laurel Halo, Eli Keszler, Yair Elazar Glotman, Julia Holter, Colin Self, Coby Sey, JAB, Shanti Celeste, Reece Cox, Yu Su, Lucrecia Dalt & Regina de Miguel, Lafawndah, Michael Salu, Jessica Pratt, Hodge and Alex Arthur With excerpts from the EP World Without Heroes by Laurel Halo Image: Lee Bul, Drawing No. 2 for Crystal Architectural Landscapes after Bruno Taut