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Obrázek epizody Episode 10: Florian Cramer, Felix Stalder | The White West: Whose Universal?

HKW Podcast

Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Episode 10: Florian Cramer, Felix Stalder | The White West: Whose Universal?

Obrázek epizody Episode 10: Florian Cramer, Felix Stalder | The White West: Whose Universal?

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8. 6. 2021

1 hod 31 min

O epizodě podcastu

The legacies of colonialism tend to find expression in a language that contemporary audiences find familiar and compelling, and hence remain largely unquestioned. In the run-up to the conference The White West IV: Whose Universal? (summer 2021), the podcast invites participants of the conference and other experts to discuss the overlaps between metaphysical predicates and colonial formations. Florian Cramer and Felix Stalder in conversation with Ana Teixeira Pinto More information:
The legacies of colonialism tend to find expression in a language that contemporary audiences find familiar and compelling, and hence remain largely unquestioned. As part of “The White West IV: Whose Universal?,” the podcast invites participants of the conferences and other experts to discuss the overlaps between metaphysical predicates and colonial formations. Florian Cramer and Felix Stalder in conversation with Ana Teixeira Pinto More information: