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Obrázek epizody Dictionary of Now #3 | Wole Soyinka & Manthia Diawara - TRUTH

HKW Podcast

Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Dictionary of Now #3 | Wole Soyinka & Manthia Diawara - TRUTH

Obrázek epizody Dictionary of Now #3 | Wole Soyinka & Manthia Diawara - TRUTH

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13. 5. 2016

1 hod 11 min

Dictionary of Now #3 - Wole Soyinka & Manthia Diawara - TRUTH May 4, 2016 7pm Film, discussion A meeting of the Nobel laureate in literature Wole Soyinka and the film theorist Manthia Diawara to discuss the notion of truth against the background of global postcolonial conflicts. What role does the truth play in the context of violence and human rights violations, of reconciliation and reparations? What forms of truth speaking are linked to personal freedom and what create new ostracizing power structures? Are there universal truths? And what truth is generated by fiction or documentaries? The Négritude movement and Glissant’s poetry of relation will be the starting point for Diawara and Soyinka’s examination of techniques of assertion and methods of truth production.