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Obrázek epizody Chapter 1: In Space No One Can Hear You Scream | Cosmic Awakening

HKW Podcast

Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Chapter 1: In Space No One Can Hear You Scream | Cosmic Awakening

Obrázek epizody Chapter 1: In Space No One Can Hear You Scream | Cosmic Awakening

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20. 10. 2022

15 min

The slogan used to advertise Ridley Scott’s science fiction film “Alien” is nothing more than a statement of fact: In space, no one can hear you scream. But isn’t the idea of sound everywhere in space, which is permeated to the last corner by cosmic background radiation, like an echo of the Big Bang? Speakers: Sarj Lynch, Sasha Perera. Editing and production: Julia Vorkefeld. Recordings: Matthias Hartenberger. Concept and script: Arno Raffeiner. With quotes from works by Isaac Asimov, Jimmy Carter, Samuel R. Delany, Donna Haraway, N.K. Jemisin, Ursula K. Le Guin, Stanisław Lem, Sun Ra, Arkadi and Boris Strugazki. Music: Elysia Crampton – Morning Star-Red Glare-Sequoia Bridge; Hama – Terroir; Ornette Coleman – Science Fiction; Debit – 3rd Night; Bebe and Louis Barron – Ancient Krell Music (Forbidden Planet;); Muhal Richard Abrams – Conversations With The Three Of Me; HHY & The Macumbas – Gysin Version (feat. Adrian Sherwood); Chuck Berry – Johnny B. Goode; Mahi Musicians of Benin – Cengunmé; Sun Ra & His Arkestra – Space is the Place