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Obrázek epizody Programme 9: GLOBALISATION - 2. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

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Programme 9: GLOBALISATION - 2. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 9: GLOBALISATION - 2. ČÁST

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12. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

The theoretical benefits of globalisation are greater efficiency and thus greater wealth. Mark Gregory In some cases, some poor countries have lifted themselves out of poverty because of their access to global markets. And most people would say that people are a lot better off and a lot better educated in China than they were fifteen years ago, because of that country's phenomenal economic growth. And that's been tied in to the fact that China's involved in international trade. And countries like South Korea and Japan grew in the same way before it. So, there have been some definite winners. If you like, globalisation provides a forum in which opportunities for many people and many countries are greatly increased. VOCABULARY poverty - chudoba better off - být na tom lépe phenomenal - značný, markatní in the same way - stejně opportunities - příležitosti

The theoretical benefits of globalisation are greater efficiency and thus greater wealth. Mark Gregory In some cases, some poor countries have lifted themselves out of poverty because of their access to global markets. And most people would say that people are a lot better off and a lot better educated in China than they were fifteen years ago, because of that country's phenomenal economic growth. And that's been tied in to the fact that China's involved in international trade. And countries like South Korea and Japan grew in the same way before it. So, there have been some definite winners. If you like, globalisation provides a forum in which opportunities for many people and many countries are greatly increased. VOCABULARY poverty - chudoba better off - být na tom lépe phenomenal - značný, markatní in the same way - stejně opportunities - příležitosti