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Obrázek epizody Programme 8: GLOBALISATION - 1. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

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Programme 8: GLOBALISATION - 1. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 8: GLOBALISATION - 1. ČÁST

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13. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

The names of companies that everybody's heard of: Sony, Microsoft, IBM - and the common brands that are on sale in many different parts of the world - McDonalds, Nike and Coca Cola - are all signs of globalisation. Mark Gregory Well, it's partly technology, the fact that transport is so much quicker than it used to be, the fact that we have the internet, that kind of thing. Ther's also the growth of global financial institutions - the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund - the growth of global financial markets, the growth of global companies - huge, enormous companies. It' ridiculous to say that everything is "globalised", but that the boundaries, the economic barriers between countries have broken down, and many companies and much of the economy has a global perspective. VOCABULARY used to be - býval global - globální financial institutions - finanční instituce International Monetary Fund - Mezinárodní měnový fond Boundaries - hranice economic barriers - ekonomické bariéry

The names of companies that everybody's heard of: Sony, Microsoft, IBM - and the common brands that are on sale in many different parts of the world - McDonalds, Nike and Coca Cola - are all signs of globalisation. Mark Gregory Well, it's partly technology, the fact that transport is so much quicker than it used to be, the fact that we have the internet, that kind of thing. Ther's also the growth of global financial institutions - the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund - the growth of global financial markets, the growth of global companies - huge, enormous companies. It' ridiculous to say that everything is "globalised", but that the boundaries, the economic barriers between countries have broken down, and many companies and much of the economy has a global perspective. VOCABULARY used to be - býval global - globální financial institutions - finanční instituce International Monetary Fund - Mezinárodní měnový fond Boundaries - hranice economic barriers - ekonomické bariéry