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Obrázek epizody Programme 5: AIDS - 3. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Programme 5: AIDS - 3. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 5: AIDS - 3. ČÁST

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16. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

When you're talking about a scientific development you can use language which is rather impersonal. You can almost forget that there are 40 odd million people in the world who are infected with HIV. Richard Black When you're dealing, if you like, with the people side of it, when you're talking about the communities which are very affected, then you can easily use words which many people would prefer you didn't use - such as "sufferer", such as "victim". You can paint a picture of people who have no hope in their daily lives. Whereas, in fact, they may be doing the best they can to live a normal life, and have as decent a life as they can under the circumstances, and labelling people as a "victim" where they may not feel they're victims, is something that we always try not to do; but it's a very easy trap to fall into. VOCABULARY affected - postižený sufferer - nemocný, (ten, co trpí) label - označit victim - oběť paint a picture - malovat obrázek easy trap to fall into - past, do které se snadno spadne

When you're talking about a scientific development you can use language which is rather impersonal. You can almost forget that there are 40 odd million people in the world who are infected with HIV. Richard Black When you're dealing, if you like, with the people side of it, when you're talking about the communities which are very affected, then you can easily use words which many people would prefer you didn't use - such as "sufferer", such as "victim". You can paint a picture of people who have no hope in their daily lives. Whereas, in fact, they may be doing the best they can to live a normal life, and have as decent a life as they can under the circumstances, and labelling people as a "victim" where they may not feel they're victims, is something that we always try not to do; but it's a very easy trap to fall into. VOCABULARY affected - postižený sufferer - nemocný, (ten, co trpí) label - označit victim - oběť paint a picture - malovat obrázek easy trap to fall into - past, do které se snadno spadne