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Obrázek epizody Programme 4: AIDS - 2. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Programme 4: AIDS - 2. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 4: AIDS - 2. ČÁST

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17. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

HIV/AIDS has been described as a devastating epidemic - its impact is far reaching. Richard Black It is quite simply the disease which is changing the face of many communities on earth - particularly in sub-Saharan Africa but in the future, perhaps, in Asia as well. It is having such a devastating effect on some communities that there are villages really where the entire middle sector of the population - the young adults, the economically productive people, the parents - are being removed from the population. There are villages where there is virtually no one left but old people and young people because of AIDS. And this is really unparalleled - certainly in modern experience. VOCABULARY sub-Saharan Africa - sub-saharská Afrika devastating effect - ničivý dopad middle sector - střední část populace economically productive - ekonomicky produktivní lidé removed - chybět; zmizet (z kontextu) unparalleled - bezpříkladný, nemající obdoby

HIV/AIDS has been described as a devastating epidemic - its impact is far reaching. Richard Black It is quite simply the disease which is changing the face of many communities on earth - particularly in sub-Saharan Africa but in the future, perhaps, in Asia as well. It is having such a devastating effect on some communities that there are villages really where the entire middle sector of the population - the young adults, the economically productive people, the parents - are being removed from the population. There are villages where there is virtually no one left but old people and young people because of AIDS. And this is really unparalleled - certainly in modern experience. VOCABULARY sub-Saharan Africa - sub-saharská Afrika devastating effect - ničivý dopad middle sector - střední část populace economically productive - ekonomicky produktivní lidé removed - chybět; zmizet (z kontextu) unparalleled - bezpříkladný, nemající obdoby