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Obrázek epizody Programme 25: UNITED NATIONS – 2. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Programme 25: UNITED NATIONS – 2. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 25: UNITED NATIONS – 2. ČÁST

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27. 7. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

The Security Council of the United Nations is most frequently in the news. The five permanent members very much reflect the politics of the time the UN was formed - the end of the Second World War and the beginnings of the Cold War. Pam O'Toole The Security Council has fifteen member states on it. Five of those are permanent - the U.S, Russia, China, France and the U.K. The other ten are rotating members, so basically they change. Every year five countries will leave the Security Council, five more will join. Its role is basically to maintain international peace and security and it does that by basically convening at any time, over any issue - a member state can ask for the Security Council to be convened for an emergency session if it feels that peace is threatened by a certain event. VOCABULARY permanent - stálý rotating members - pravidelně se střídající členové basically - v podstatě maintain - udržovat, hájit, prosazovat to convene - sejít se, svolat emergency session - mimořádné zasedání

The Security Council of the United Nations is most frequently in the news. The five permanent members very much reflect the politics of the time the UN was formed - the end of the Second World War and the beginnings of the Cold War. Pam O'Toole The Security Council has fifteen member states on it. Five of those are permanent - the U.S, Russia, China, France and the U.K. The other ten are rotating members, so basically they change. Every year five countries will leave the Security Council, five more will join. Its role is basically to maintain international peace and security and it does that by basically convening at any time, over any issue - a member state can ask for the Security Council to be convened for an emergency session if it feels that peace is threatened by a certain event. VOCABULARY permanent - stálý rotating members - pravidelně se střídající členové basically - v podstatě maintain - udržovat, hájit, prosazovat to convene - sejít se, svolat emergency session - mimořádné zasedání