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Obrázek epizody Programme 23: FUNDAMENTALISM – 4. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

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Programme 23: FUNDAMENTALISM – 4. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 23: FUNDAMENTALISM – 4. ČÁST

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29. 7. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

Fundamentalism can still describe the beliefs of many people that society should operate according to traditional religious teachings. Ben Cohen I think that the word fundamentalism, because it's so complicated and used in so many different ways, can sometimes just end up being used as a dirty word. Ooh, they're fundamentalists and it's a shorthand for saying they take their religion way too seriously - they're extremists, they quite possibly have a bomb in their bag - and that can be unfair on people who have very devout religious beliefs but wouldn't harm a fly. VOCABULARY a dirty word - sprosté slovo shorthand - nálepka, (těsnopisné vyjádření) extremists - extrémisté devout religious beliefs - vroucná, oddaná víra wouldn't harm a fly - neublížil by ani kuřeti

Fundamentalism can still describe the beliefs of many people that society should operate according to traditional religious teachings. Ben Cohen I think that the word fundamentalism, because it's so complicated and used in so many different ways, can sometimes just end up being used as a dirty word. Ooh, they're fundamentalists and it's a shorthand for saying they take their religion way too seriously - they're extremists, they quite possibly have a bomb in their bag - and that can be unfair on people who have very devout religious beliefs but wouldn't harm a fly. VOCABULARY a dirty word - sprosté slovo shorthand - nálepka, (těsnopisné vyjádření) extremists - extrémisté devout religious beliefs - vroucná, oddaná víra wouldn't harm a fly - neublížil by ani kuřeti