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Obrázek epizody Programme 22: FUNDAMENTALISM – 3. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

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Programme 22: FUNDAMENTALISM – 3. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 22: FUNDAMENTALISM – 3. ČÁST

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30. 7. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

In recent years fundamentalism seems to have become more strongly associated with Islam - and with terrorism, such as the attack on the World Trade Centre and the bombing in Bali. Ben Cohen You have to remember that not all fundamentalists are people that feel so passionately about it that they will go to the extremes of suicide bombings or whatever - a lot of them just happen to hold very traditional opinions, and are very peaceful about it. But, yes, it certainly has been connected with the Islamic group al Qaeda for instance. And they're very agitated because they feel the west is bringing in a lot of secular fashions and thinking and behaviour that's actually watering down Islam and that's one of the things that are motivating people within al Qaeda to take part in these terrorist activities. VOCABULARY extremes - extrémy suicide bombings - sebevražedné pumové útoky to hold very traditional opinions - zaujímat tradiční/konzervativní názory agitated - rozčilený, pobouřený, rozrušený watering down - rozředit, ředit - oslabovat to motivate - motivovat

In recent years fundamentalism seems to have become more strongly associated with Islam - and with terrorism, such as the attack on the World Trade Centre and the bombing in Bali. Ben Cohen You have to remember that not all fundamentalists are people that feel so passionately about it that they will go to the extremes of suicide bombings or whatever - a lot of them just happen to hold very traditional opinions, and are very peaceful about it. But, yes, it certainly has been connected with the Islamic group al Qaeda for instance. And they're very agitated because they feel the west is bringing in a lot of secular fashions and thinking and behaviour that's actually watering down Islam and that's one of the things that are motivating people within al Qaeda to take part in these terrorist activities. VOCABULARY extremes - extrémy suicide bombings - sebevražedné pumové útoky to hold very traditional opinions - zaujímat tradiční/konzervativní názory agitated - rozčilený, pobouřený, rozrušený watering down - rozředit, ředit - oslabovat to motivate - motivovat