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Obrázek epizody Programme 20: FUNDAMENTALISM – 1. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

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Programme 20: FUNDAMENTALISM – 1. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 20: FUNDAMENTALISM – 1. ČÁST

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1. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

Fundamentalism can mean different things depending on whether you're a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian. You can be a fundamentalist and not have extreme or intolerant opinions. Ben Cohen The word fundamentalism dates back just over a hundred years. It was a group of Christians in America that felt that modern ideas and science were edging out what they thought were some of the key beliefs in Christianity, some of the fundamentals. So what it meant originally, a fundamentalist was somebody that believed what they thought were the important fundamentals of religion but I think it's moved on from that quite a bit - it's been used a lot more widely. If someone is very religious but very intolerant of someone that doesn't believe the same thing as them, they can just be called a fundamentalist - and it's just a term of abuse for someone being intolerant. VOCABULARY fundamentalism - fundamentalismus, přísná pravověrnost to date - datovat edge out - vytlačovat belief - víra, náboženská víra intolerant - netolerantní term of abuse - nadávka

Fundamentalism can mean different things depending on whether you're a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian. You can be a fundamentalist and not have extreme or intolerant opinions. Ben Cohen The word fundamentalism dates back just over a hundred years. It was a group of Christians in America that felt that modern ideas and science were edging out what they thought were some of the key beliefs in Christianity, some of the fundamentals. So what it meant originally, a fundamentalist was somebody that believed what they thought were the important fundamentals of religion but I think it's moved on from that quite a bit - it's been used a lot more widely. If someone is very religious but very intolerant of someone that doesn't believe the same thing as them, they can just be called a fundamentalist - and it's just a term of abuse for someone being intolerant. VOCABULARY fundamentalism - fundamentalismus, přísná pravověrnost to date - datovat edge out - vytlačovat belief - víra, náboženská víra intolerant - netolerantní term of abuse - nadávka