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Obrázek epizody Programme 19: WARMING – 3. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Programme 19: WARMING – 3. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 19: WARMING – 3. ČÁST

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2. 8. 2019

6 min

O epizodě podcastu

The current US government has refused to ratify Kyoto. So has Australia and Russia may also refuse. They must have strong reasons. What could they be? Richard Black The oil industry and the car industry and so on are of course very, very powerful and they do lobby very hard and they do contribute funds to the election campaigns of various political parties around the world. Companies like this will always have much more power than companies which are trying to set up, for example, as producers of wind turbines. The oil companies are just so much bigger. You can have potentially any landowner deciding well, actually I'l set up a wind farm here. This is something which has great appeal to environmentalists but has minimal appeal to governments which have very close ties to oil companies. VOCABULARY lobby - intervenovat (nátlaková skupina) to set up - založit, zřídit, ustavit wind turbines - větrné turbiny landowner - vlastník půdy environmentalists - ochránci životního prostředí, ekologové appeal - ohlas, působivost; líbit se (být atraktivní) close ties - být propojen, blízké vztahy, pouto

The current US government has refused to ratify Kyoto. So has Australia and Russia may also refuse. They must have strong reasons. What could they be? Richard Black The oil industry and the car industry and so on are of course very, very powerful and they do lobby very hard and they do contribute funds to the election campaigns of various political parties around the world. Companies like this will always have much more power than companies which are trying to set up, for example, as producers of wind turbines. The oil companies are just so much bigger. You can have potentially any landowner deciding well, actually I'l set up a wind farm here. This is something which has great appeal to environmentalists but has minimal appeal to governments which have very close ties to oil companies. VOCABULARY lobby - intervenovat (nátlaková skupina) to set up - založit, zřídit, ustavit wind turbines - větrné turbiny landowner - vlastník půdy environmentalists - ochránci životního prostředí, ekologové appeal - ohlas, působivost; líbit se (být atraktivní) close ties - být propojen, blízké vztahy, pouto