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Obrázek epizody Programme 16: MIGRATION - 3. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

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Programme 16: MIGRATION - 3. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 16: MIGRATION - 3. ČÁST

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5. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

Highly-organised criminal networks are making billions of dollars smuggling and trafficking people. Jean-Philippe Chauzy A lot of people want to migrate but there are few channels to allow them to do so legally. So, what most would-be migrants will do at some point is look at ways of using smuggling and trafficking networks. That has a very serious impact - (a) on the well-being of the migrant who might find himself or herself in physically dangerous situations. It also has a negative impact on the host society because migrants will never be able to integrate. It's become in a way the new slave trade. VOCABULARY few channels - málo možností, cest smuggling - pašování trafficking - obchodování, kšeftování impact - dopad integrate - zapojit, začlenit, integrovat in a way - svým způsobem the new slave trade - novodobé otrokářství

Highly-organised criminal networks are making billions of dollars smuggling and trafficking people. Jean-Philippe Chauzy A lot of people want to migrate but there are few channels to allow them to do so legally. So, what most would-be migrants will do at some point is look at ways of using smuggling and trafficking networks. That has a very serious impact - (a) on the well-being of the migrant who might find himself or herself in physically dangerous situations. It also has a negative impact on the host society because migrants will never be able to integrate. It's become in a way the new slave trade. VOCABULARY few channels - málo možností, cest smuggling - pašování trafficking - obchodování, kšeftování impact - dopad integrate - zapojit, začlenit, integrovat in a way - svým způsobem the new slave trade - novodobé otrokářství