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Obrázek epizody Programme 15: MIGRATION - 2. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

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Programme 15: MIGRATION - 2. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 15: MIGRATION - 2. ČÁST

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6. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

No country is unaffected by international migration. Today, most countries are countries of origin, transit or destination for migrants - or all three. Jean-Philippe Chauzy If you'rre looking at economic migration, it's most of the time obviously, it's the lack of socio-economic prospects at home that will push people to leave, to migrate in search of better opportunities. So that's probably one of the main "push" factors. But you could also obviously look at the issue of bad governance; and also the fact that you do have people who flee obviously conflict, civil strife. So all these are push factors. VOCABULARY socio-economic prospects - sociálně – ekonomické vyhlídky 'push' factors - faktory, které lidi dohánějí (tlačí) k migraci governance - režim, způsob vlády, vláda civil strife - občanské boje, válka

No country is unaffected by international migration. Today, most countries are countries of origin, transit or destination for migrants - or all three. Jean-Philippe Chauzy If you'rre looking at economic migration, it's most of the time obviously, it's the lack of socio-economic prospects at home that will push people to leave, to migrate in search of better opportunities. So that's probably one of the main "push" factors. But you could also obviously look at the issue of bad governance; and also the fact that you do have people who flee obviously conflict, civil strife. So all these are push factors. VOCABULARY socio-economic prospects - sociálně – ekonomické vyhlídky 'push' factors - faktory, které lidi dohánějí (tlačí) k migraci governance - režim, způsob vlády, vláda civil strife - občanské boje, válka