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Obrázek epizody Programme 13: SECURITY - 3. ČÁST

Global Issues – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Programme 13: SECURITY - 3. ČÁST

Obrázek epizody Programme 13: SECURITY - 3. ČÁST

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8. 8. 2019

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

A dirty bomb leaves radiation everywhere. It's dirty in the sense that it is an underhand, disallowed category of weapon. Rupert Pengelley A dirty bomb is a version of a nuclear weapon. It's normally considered to be an improvised device, in which somebody has taken a mass of a radioactive material and put conventional, what we call high explosive, inside that lump. And then triggers the high explosive to blow the radioactive material over a wide area. And that sits there radiating for years, and the effect of course is that you have to evacuate that area. VOCABULARY nuclear weapon - jaderná zbraň improvised device - narychlo vyrobený mechanismus, (zařízení, věc, zbraň) triggers - odpálí blow - rozmetat radioactive - radioaktivní evacuate - evakuovat

A dirty bomb leaves radiation everywhere. It's dirty in the sense that it is an underhand, disallowed category of weapon. Rupert Pengelley A dirty bomb is a version of a nuclear weapon. It's normally considered to be an improvised device, in which somebody has taken a mass of a radioactive material and put conventional, what we call high explosive, inside that lump. And then triggers the high explosive to blow the radioactive material over a wide area. And that sits there radiating for years, and the effect of course is that you have to evacuate that area. VOCABULARY nuclear weapon - jaderná zbraň improvised device - narychlo vyrobený mechanismus, (zařízení, věc, zbraň) triggers - odpálí blow - rozmetat radioactive - radioaktivní evacuate - evakuovat